

Opening: Post-doctoral Research Associate

June 16th, 2021|

Post-doctoral Research Associate Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Chemical and Biological Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison The Yin Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison ( has an immediate opening at the postdoctoral level to pursue projects in

Ashley Baltes Joins Juno Therapeutics, Inc.

September 26th, 2016|

Dr. Baltes recently moved to the Seattle, WA area and joined Juno Therapeutics, Inc. as a Viral Vector Process Development Scientist. We wish her well in her new endeavor!

Welcome Oluleye Hezekiah Babatunde!

September 26th, 2016|

Our new postdoc, Dr. Babatunde, comes to use by way of Nigeria and Australia. He studies quantitative modeling and analysis of chemical and biological systems generally, and specifically looks at development of mathematical methods for advancement of mechanistic and

Congratulations Ashley Baltes, Ph.D.!

May 12th, 2016|

Ashley Baltes successfully defended her dissertation The development and optimization of quantitative fluorescent reporters to visualize real-time kinetics of virus-host interactions. She will remain with the lab for the summer of 2016 and then move to

Congratulations Bahar Inankur Ph.D.!

December 12th, 2015|

Bahar Inankur successfully defended her dissertation Development of tools to study how virus-host cell interactions influence infection spread. She is moving to New Jersey to join Bristol-Myers Squibb. Congratulations and best wishes to Bahar in

John Yin explores systems chemistry and origins of life

November 24th, 2015|

John Yin has been working for years on characterizing virus growth and infection spread with computational models, studying antiviral cellular defense, and battling viruses with new strategies. His leadership in chemical engineering and virology as

Welcome Jason and Jeffrey

December 18th, 2014|

The Yin Group is pleased to announce the addition of two new undergraduate assistants.  Jason Wan and Jeffrey Beczkiewicz will be joining the lab in January. Jeffrey Beczkiewicz - Undergrad Jason Wan

Congratulations Fulya Akpinar, Ph.D.!

August 5th, 2014|

Fulya Akpinar successfully defended her dissertation “Quantification and Integration of the Multi-scale Effects of Defective Interfering Particles on Virus Infections” on August 4, 2014. She is moving to New Jersey to join Bristol-Myers Squibb as

Congratulations, Emily Voigt, Ph.D.!

May 27th, 2014|

Emily Voigt successfully defended her dissertation “Quantitative studies of host paracrine signaling during viral infections of human lung epithelial cells” on May 14, 2014.  She is currently staying with the Yin group through the summer

December 2013 Ph.D.s – Timm & Gupta

March 26th, 2014|

Andrea Timm successfully defended her dissertation "Development of Single-Cell Techniques to Investigate Heterogeneity in Virus-Cell Interactions" in December 2013.  She is currently pursuing a postdoctoral position in Knoxville, KY. Ankur Gupta successfully defended his dissertation

Congratulations to our new PhD’s!

November 1st, 2013|

Adam Swick, "John Yin", Collin Timm and Andrea Timm at the opening of the Discovery Building in December 2010 A heartfelt congratulations to our two newest PhD's:  Collin Timm and Adam Swick Collin